this page is for info on all my plushies!

I name all my plushies after food, because it's fun to think of ones that suit them. :3

this page is very much NOT mobile friendly!!

This is Melon! He's a Build-a-Bear Spring Green Frog, and my oldest friend on this page. He's just a happy guy
This is Chobi! They're a Bearington Collection pig i got in Tennessee. Their name comes from the sound of saying "strawberry" real fast :P
This is Crumb! He's a Douglas Sshlumpie fox, which i added a bit of extra stuffing and stitches to in order to make more cuddleable.
This is Gnocchi! He's a Jellycat Huggady Dog, and another relatively old friend. His personality can be succinctly described as "puppyish." I love him a lot ^_^
This is Streusel! He's a Gund Fuzzy Bear and, true to his branding, he is very fuzzy. He's floppy and cute and his lopsided smile is soooo adorable
This is Cheddar! She's an Anirollz cat with a big stain on her back because I accidentally spilled Pepsi on her. She doesn't have many thoughts, but she likes being squished and thrown around like a football.
This is Bo Round! He's a Build-a-Bear Fluffy Puppy I got secondhand, and is thus quite matted. Still very fluffy, though!
This is SnufyUpy! It's an exception to the name rule because I made her so I can do what I want. She watches me as i sleep